Ivi åi – Across the river

As the project «Sogevegen om Nutheim» draws to a close and we are now turning our attention to Humleneset and the development of a «Naturlab». Humleneset is an area of land on the west side valley of Flatdal where the river opens into lake Flatsja. You can get across the river to Humleneset via stepping stones that have recently been built.

The stepping stones shall form the start of the path that will continue into the Humleneset. Together with Feste Landskap & Arkitektur and Faun Naturforvaltning we are now creating idea for how the Naturlab shall be. We have been on several visits to the the area to map out what kind of wildlife exists here and how we can best create experiences around the nature.

The valley of Flatdal has not always been cultivated as it is today. For hundreds of years ago it was a marshland known as Øyan or «The islands». Since the land has been drained and divided up into plots it has been a valuable agricultural landscape. As the water level has changed so has the use of the valley.

Designer, Landscape Architect and Architects from Feste meet in lake Flatsjå.